Chat with Existing Bots

You can send messages to different bots on the "My Chat" page. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Go to the "My Chat" page.

  2. Select the bot you want to talk to.

  3. Type your message in the input box.

  4. Press the enter key or click the "Send" button to send your message.

Please note that your talking quota is currently limited. Only gmID holders could get access to chat with bots, and number of messages allowed to chat with each bot based on their membership level:

  • Black gmID: Users with a Black gmID are entitled to send up to 20 messages per bot. This allows for interactions with bot experts and access to valuable insights.

  • Gold gmID: Users with a Gold gmID have enhanced privileges, allowing them to send up to 30 messages per bot. This enables deeper engagement with bot experts and greater access to information.

Last updated